How to safely anchor and preserve the sea environment?

Published 15. 6. 2017
1) Approach the anchoring place facing the wind and identify a clear bottom zone (sand bottom). Avoid anchoring in posidonia meadows.
2) Throw the anchor when the boat stops. The anchor size has to suit the size of the boat.
3) Release the anchor chain (at a lenght 3 times the water depth) while the boat is slowly going backwards.
4) Wait until the bow turns into the direction of the wind and check if the mooring holds.
5) Upon leaving, move the boat to the position directly above the anchor and then pull up the anchor.
6) If you find fragments of Caulerpa algae on the chain or anchor dispose it in a trash can. Do not return it to the sea!

The Caulerpa taxifolia and Caulerpa racemosa are invasive tropical alga. They represent a significant threat to marine ecosystems because of their fast growth and absence of animals which feed on them. An anchor in the area invaded by Caulerpa taxifolia and Caulerpa racemosa disperses dozens of cuttings which increase their spread. Avoid anchoring where these algae grow.

We  thank  the  Association  for  Nature,  environment  and  sustainable  development Sunce  from  Split  that  allowed  us  to  publish  a  part  of  text  from  their  educational material.   More   about   protecting   this owering plant you can ­find at our reception or under
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